Monday, February 15, 2010

Gotta LOve those Turnips.

This past weekend Gavin and I took a trip to Birmingham for Valentines Day. Both of us have been sick for the past few weeks, but we were determined to get out of Tucaloosa. My mom had been begging us to come up and check out her new garden.

She found this vacant block of land, which someone has been tilling and gardening in for probably the past 30 years. The land is about 10 minutes from her home in Roebuck, Birmingham. As it turns out the man who has been planting in the garden for ages, just recently passed away. My mom took this opportunity to take ownership of the abandoned garden, putting up signs everywhere to make sure the land would not be blazed over by any surrounding neighbors.

Gavin and I both really enjoy gardening. Although we have not had much space at all to expand our interests we have a few gardening pots behin our house. Most all of them are Gavin's I admit. But it is just not the same as planting in the ground.

Growing up I can remember every summer, spring, and fall picking the different varieties of squash,lettuce,beans, and onions straight from my mothers garden. I used to think of my mother as very strange, for we were the only family on the street that had an entire flower and produce garden that consumed our from and back yard. I now know she was truly unique, and I practice several of her quirky habits today. She has just recently bought a batch of hens, so every visit to Birmingham includes a trip to the coup in the back of her yard to pick the fresh brown eggs.

Here are a few pictures from the new found garden. And here is a list of items we will be planting soon!

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